These Perfectly Timed Sports Photos Should Totally Win a Gold Medal

From the Olympic games to the NBA finals, modern sports are televised all around the world. The events produce some glorious moments on camera for the entire world to enjoy. But lesser known are the bloopers, sometimes so perfectly timed that they deserve their own award. Some fans even prefer seeing the silly outtakes. Are you one of them? If so, it’s time to enjoy a reel of the worst (or best) moments in athletics, snapped at just the right second. Read on for the most giggle-worthy sports photos taken at just the right moment!
Hockey Is All About Stepping Over Dead Bodies These Days
Field hockey doesn’t get the attention it deserves, but today is the day. Here, a motivated opponent is running full speed ahead to the ball. No one is going to get in her way if she has any say in the matter.
The competition has been shoved to the ground, just like that. And as the lady in red cringes in pain below, the game goes on. It is hard to imagine the sounds that went on in this scene since we only have a visual representation. A crunch, perhaps?’
Diving Can Get Ugly on the Way Down, We Must Admit
Diving can be a graceful event to watch, for those who appreciate the art. But most of us never formally train to jump from a high post. We just enjoyed doing cannonballs at the local pool. Looks like we weren’t alone!

Here, a camera caught a trained diver in action. As he falls with the force of gravity, we can see his emotional journey, too. The wind distorts his face a bit, though. Is he smiling, or frowning? Maybe it’s a bit of both, and we’re intrigued.
When You Merge Souls to Reach Those Ice Dancing Goals
Ice dancing is the most playful of the Olympic contests, without a close second. Even those who claim they hate sports tune in for a few segments. Maybe the audience would be even bigger if more people knew that literal magic was happening on the ice, like right here!

As this man and woman glide about, their bodies and heads seem to merge. Something is unnatural about the way this looks. We pray this is just an optical illusion, captured at the perfect moment. It’s a good one, if so!
Rumor Has It Hockey Is More Intense Than Any American Sport
Sure, Canada is passionate about it. But that doesn’t mean that the country below has noticed. Americans seem to be busy with baseball, basketball, and even lacrosse, at times. There just doesn’t seem to be room for hockey in their hearts.

But maybe this photo will change minds out there. The impact of the skater right through the glass here shows incredible speed if nothing else. Allegedly basketball is the sport of choice for adrenaline junkies on the sofa. But come on — have they not seen ice fighting?
Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Take Him Away From That Bat
Baseball might seem like a dull game. There’s a whole lot of standing around and throwing back and forth. Fans claim this part is fascinating, like a secret chess match with interesting moves to watch. But the game will always have its haters.

Today, there is a lot more action than usual. But it’s deadly stuff, and scary to see! As a bat swings forward, a boy innocently sits in the way. Through some sort of miracle, an arm in the stands blocks the impact. Photographically, it’s quite a sight!
Getting Punched in the Kisser Is Great in Slow Mo
Boxing is literally the sport of punching each other in the face. Ideally, you would defend that space with soft gloves. But sometimes, a boxer is caught off guard. Here, a photographer captured exactly that moment for all to analyze.

The fact is, pros can generate speeds of 25 miles per hour with their fists. It’s best to stay at a distance, you must agree. But sadly, that just didn’t happen here. Hopefully, he had a good dentist on speed dial!
No One Knew That Prancing Was a Pro Tennis Move
Tennis is a sport that has high viewership for both genders. There are a few differences in playing style, and the men tend to hit harder and faster. Even Serena Williams admits that men’s tennis is like a whole different world.

Her statement got a lot of attention. But was she aware that it involved skipping and dancing around? Unlikely. Perhaps the ladies should adopt a victory dance like this one. They’re bound to look better doing it, with this low bar!
I Believe I Can Fly, I Believe I Can Touch the Sky
Basketball stars all seem to have one thing in common. They’re incredibly tall, and this allows them to soar to heights most of us would consider a struggle. But there still has to be some method to shooting hoops, besides height. What’s the strategy, right here?
Fans really aren’t sure. Many of them missed it on the original video. But pictures slow things down to see what really happened, in an instant replay that lasts forever. New York Knicks number 8 is neither a bird nor a plane. But does he know that, deep down?
Volleyball Seems A Lot More Intense Than We Knew
Volleyball is a team sport that usually takes place at the beach. There are practices in gyms, too. But where is the harder terrain to play? This perfectly timed and sandy photo seeks to answer that question, once and for all.

As this gal lands on the outdoor court, she finds herself in an explosion of particles. On camera, she looks like a human bomb. But no one was hurt during this move. It’s just an average day near the net!
He Faced That Hurdle Like No One Else in the Race
We sometimes talk about jumping over hurdles as a metaphor for the tough things in life. But it actually is a track and field sport, and there are athletes who specialize in the task. Here, one runner fails to hop on time. How does it go for him?

Not well, to be honest. This is just not one of those sports where precision is optional. He has jumped too soon, or too late. Or maybe, he didn’t jump at all. Perhaps he tripped? At the end of the day, even the picture is painful.
True Friends Are Always There to Give You a Hand
They say that sportsmanship is dead in modern athletics. But here, opponents prove them wrong in a perfectly timed photo. As mister red bends forward, his blue friend decides to give him a boost from behind. A true blue friend, right?

That’s what we imagine, anyway. Someone should ask the squatter how he feels about it. In case he forgot this all happened, a picture has captured the exact moment everything went wild. The internet is bound to remind him, forever.
He Was Caught With His Pants Down and the Ball Up
As one determined ball boy tried to win the game, all heck broke loose. Right behind him, a challenger introduces a new move no one saw coming. It’s not even allowed, according to the rules. But official papers stopped nothing!

It’s just not fair to pull down your rival’s pants when he gets the better of you. It’s not sportsmanship, by any definition. And by the look on his face, he knows he has been robbed of some game glory. His internet glory will be more significant, undoubtedly.
The Tumbling Track Star Who Might Be Meant to Model
The high jump is an event that is not easy for anyone in track and field. The shorter, stockier athletes usually turn to shotput and hammer throwing. The long-legged are the real stars of the show when it comes to the high jump. But is that their only career path?

Actually, it might be the least advisable path. Captured at just the right second, the crowd can see her true destiny. Not only does she have a lanky build, but she is super photogenic. This girl was meant for the catwalk, somewhere!
This Shocking Gas Attack Turned Out to Be a Power Move
American football has a name that the rest of the world doesn’t understand. The sport is mostly played with your hands! It’s also full of rules no one else knows well, but Americans hold dear to their hearts. Is it also full of farts?

If so, there need to be some regulations on gas. Some sparks have been set off here, and they look very dangerous. The combustible butt in question should be disqualified! That is, unless it’s just a freak accident photo in front of an ad. That’s possible, too.
A Packer Who Was the Butt of Jokes After His Win
When the Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl over and over, fans wanted to show their appreciation. Most offered the players a firm handshake or a hug. Here though, one fan decided to say congrats in a much warmer way.

A sneaky hand has migrated all the way to the back. Then, it crept lower. As a result, this professional athlete is experiencing a very intimate thank you. With so many other hands holding him close, it’s hard to run away!
This Is a Cheerleader Tower, Not a High Diving Board
Anyone who saw Bring It On knows that cheer is not only a serious social club. It’s also a real athletic endeavor, and it has its risks. Those tall towers you see? Spirit team members have to be in tip-top shape to pull it off safely and gracefully.

Here, a pyramid on Friday night is almost perfect. But the star who belongs on top has taken a nosedive, and it’s anything but pretty. Odds are, things got even uglier after this moment on camera. But for now, let’s chuckle!
Viewers May Have Concluded This Synchronized Swimmer Was Ten Feet Long
The most fascinating part of synchronized swimming is the length of time that ladies hold their breath underwater. Few of us can do that for minutes at a time. But now, there’s something even more intriguing going on in the pool.

You can see this swimmer’s head above water. But you can also see a long part of her body submerged. Is she a human caterpillar? No, it’s just clever photography, that’s all. At this perfect moment, two swimmers really did look like one.
Nobody Who Ever Gave His Best Regretted It, Besides This Fellow
Soccer is a contact sport when things get rough enough. The formal rules prohibit shoving with hands, but you can definitely put your shoulders into it while you fight for dominance. Here, one player took a tumble in his bid for the ball. Then, what happened?
As he slides on the grass, he tries to keep control of the ball with one foot. But above, another player is positioned with both legs around his head. It looks like things are getting pretty cozy between them. The look on the victim’s face is intriguing!
It’s a Private Show, Just for the Gentlemen in the Front
When you go to an athletic event, the main show is definitely the sport. But at big games, there is sometimes extra entertainment on the schedule. Here, several fans got a front-row seat to the halftime show. Boy, did they get entertained!
As these ladies leap, their moves are perfectly coordinated. A camera caught them as they were airborne, and it’s quite the shot. What ruins it is the creepy fans in the stands. Almost a perfect picture! Take two would be worth a try.
We Officially Wish These Ladies Luck In Their Next Try Out
Cheerleading is supposed to be full of pep. At the very least, the name implies it is supposed to be full of cheer. For whatever reason, that doesn’t always work out as planned. A photographer captured exactly what happens when spirit fingers go wrong. Terribly wrong!
The demo doesn’t seem to be going well, for anyone in this lineup. It appears they went tumbling right away. They’re just not going to make the team, and we have a few suggestions. Volleyball, tennis, soccer, or literally anything else will do!
This Fellow Claims the Winning Kick Was Not Fun for Everyone
In soccer, there are different positions. Maybe you are familiar with forward, defense, midfielder, and goalie. There actually are other designations, too. But sports change over time, and we have found a new role captured in a photo. Back kicker, perhaps?

The victim of this kick is not enjoying himself in the moment. Odds are, he didn’t enjoy anything for a while afterward, either. Luckily for the internet, a quick finger captured the incident in a snap. Now, we can enjoy it forever!
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words on This Basketball Court
It’s always satisfying to attempt a three-pointer and succeed. Here, one basketball player tried it, and loved the outcome. A picture of the moment shows his emotional journey, in the split second after his shot. Who can’t say this is relatable?

For some, it captures their own emotions in the world of sports. For others, it turns them off from that world altogether, You have to admit, his expression is a little weird here. It might be because of the other player licking his armpit, though!
This Marathon Runner May or May Not Be Bleeding Like a Champ
It’s the goal many runners have all their lives: Complete a marathon, and check it off the bucket list. The famous long-distance race goes for 26 miles, and it’s no walk in the park. Nor is it a run in the park!

Here, one athlete tried to tackle that challenge. But something is running down her legs, and no one wants to say exactly what it might be. We don’t know for sure, but there are only a few organic options. Yikes?
Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win, They Told Her
It’s remarkable what the human body can achieve with the right mindset. A true athlete pushes past their limits and goes farther than the crowd expects. Here, one young runner tried a tough race on a hot day. How did that go?

As this picture demonstrates, it got a bit queasy out there. She couldn’t hold back, and she didn’t. She vomits in the middle of the race, sadly. Viewers can only hope she didn’t run into it, and no one else did, either.
Some People Face Challenges Head On, but This Went Too Far
When it’s time to dunk, bystanders better get out of the way. The sheer physics of the act is hard to control once you get going. Here, one teammate was nearby for support. But he didn’t see the signs that the dunk was imminent.

In a flash, crotch meets head on the court. With the magic of modern technology, we can see the exact second it all went down this way. The players can look back and laugh — or cry, if they so choose.
It’s the Creature From the Black Lagoon and It’s Invading the Olympics
Swimming is a sport, believe it or not. It’s not just a leisure activity at the beach. For those seriously involved, this means thousands of laps in a pool. Here, one swimmer was caught during a particularly intense moment. Freaky stuff, we say.

As this capped and goggled head emerges from the chlorine, it barely looks human. If we didn’t know better, we might say it isn’t. But we know that this picture was just an incredible split-second shot from the stands. Few exist like it!
They Said Kobe and Shaq Were Close, but Not This Close
Kobe and Shaq were feuding in the ’90s, for reasons most fans have forgotten. They were both big talents on the Lakers, but their rivalry was unmistakable. We understand there must have been a lot of side-eye. Did they have tender moments, though?

Here, it seems to be the case. Kobe slaps Shaq on the behind, and the camera caught it all. It’s hard to explain why athletes pull this move, from time to time. But despite the continuing mystery, the picture draws us in!
Coaches Usually Don’t Play Ball, but This One Had No Choice
This moment captured on the court of a Washington Wizards game really made the internet laugh. Right in the nation’s capital, coach got smacked in the face by a flying basketball. If he was paying such close attention, how did that even happen?

If he were really mentally involved with the game, you would think he would see this coming. Perhaps coaches daydream like the rest of us, from time to time. Either that or this ball was flying at the speed of light!
Set Your Goals High, and Don’t Stop Till Someone Picks Your Nose
It gets very intense on the court for professional ballers. Most fans never see things from their point of view, even if the game is on HDTV screens. What is going on right at the net, that we never knew about?

According to this extraordinary photo, someone might be picking your nose. Should you try the winning dunk, there might be a few fingers in the way. It’s unexpected, but we are just ordinary fans in the crowd. What would we know?
The Groin Really Is Not Supposed to Be the Goal
Running around a giant grass square can get pretty tiring, after a while. These youngsters are trying their best, as family and friends look on. Most of the time, nothing wild happens. There’s just too much space, in this sport.

Today is different, though. As this picture shows, there was a moment when the ball struck a sensitive area. If it was flying fast enough, it’s not going to be an easy walk-off. This one might even require some ice. Anyone have that handy?
There’s Nothing Like a Challenge When Your Pants Are Gone
In America, rugby isn’t such a big deal compared to other countries. Whenever a match is held, though. fans and players alike do get very animated about the high-intensity sport. Things can even get downright aggressive. Look at this example, for more insight.

As this random streaker player literally tackles the other, his shorts are removed by the sheer force of gravity. It’s incredible stuff. The picture that caught this moment in mid-air is a sports treasure.
This Old Statue Never Guessed He Was Going to Be a Star
Shooting a perfect three-pointer is no easy feat. Sure, some of us can do it on occasion. But to reliable get that ball through the hoop, practice makes perfect. How did this old sculpture get so good at it, since he can’t even move?